Constipation is a condition wherein bowel movement is irregular or infrequent, when there is constipation the stool remains longer in the colon. The ideal is to have at least one or two bowel movements every day, to eliminate toxins from your body rather than keeping them inside and reabsorbing them. Fiber is the real secret to ending constipation. Your bowels need the fiber naturally found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to function properly. Fiber is also a food for the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract, which break down foods into useful sizes and components which can more readily pass into the system.
Causes of Constipation:
- Some pharmaceutical drugs including painkillers, decongestants, narcotics, anti-histamines, antidepressants, and tranquilizers can cause constipation.
- Travelling may also cause constipation. Long hours of sitting, changes in diet and less water and changes in our daily routine can make us "irregular." Make sure to bring prunes and eat lots of pineapple when you travel.
- Constipation seems to also occur if you are experiencing depression or some other condition which slows the metabolism.
- Age is another factor in constipation. The muscles you use to have a bowel movement can simply become weaker with time, especially if you've been stressing and straining them for a lifetime.
- Cheese can cause constipation in some people.
Ways to Relieve Constipation:
- Drink 1-2 glasses of lukewarm water first thing in the morning. Lukewarm stimulate the intestine which will aid in the removal of its content.
- Get more exercise. Regular exercise stimulates the colon and keeps you regular. Brisk 15 to 20 minute walks three or four times a week can do the trick. Remember that moving your body will move your bowels!
- Magnesium can cause diarrhea, and thus can also be a remedy for constipation. This particularly beneficial when pregnancy is the cause of constipation.
- Eat prunes. It appears that prunes increase the contractions of the intestines.
- Drinking a large glass of water every 10 minutes for an hour also brings quick relief.
Laxatives: In general laxative is not recommended in relieving constipation because they can become habit-forming, but once in a while they are fine.
- Psyllium powder. It's made from a fibrous plant that can help give your stools more bulk. It's very important to drink plenty of fluids when you're using a bulk-forming laxative such as psyllium.
- Senna is another plant laxative. It is a strong bowel stimulating laxative that has been used for centuries.
Juices that are particularly effective as natural laxatives include: Prune, Pineapple, Apple, Grape, Wheatgrass and Sweet Potato
Danger of being constipated:
- The longer the stool remains in the body, the more likely that some re-absorption of toxins occurs.
- Constipation can raise blood pressure because when the colon is full it presses into the blood vessels surrounding the digestive tract this causes high blood pressure.
- It's important to note that coffee, tea, and soft drinks do not help with alleviating constipation and can make the problem worse because caffeine acts as a diuretic.
- It's also important to have a bowel movement when you have the urge to have one because holding back bowel movements can cause constipation.
The most important factor in curing constipation is a natural and simple diet. how to relieve chronic constipation