Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sebenarnya punca bagi penyakit ini tidak diketahui. Mungkin satu keadaan semulajadi di mana terdapat kelainan atau gangguan pada enzyme yang mengawal pembentukan hormon. Oleh itu biasanya jika dikaji paras hormon dalam darah, kita dapati wanita tersebut
terganggu dalam hormon kesuburan mereka iaitu

  1. tahap hormon FSH (normal), LH tinggi, hormon estrongen tinggi,
  2. hormon progesterone rendah,
  3. hormon testosterone (iaitu hormon lelaki) meningkat tinggi.

Adalah dipercayai bahawa peningkatan berat badan ada kaitan dengan peningkatan hormon testosterone dengan estrogen dalam darah wanita tersebut.

Mungkin ada ciri atau pengaruh kebakaan atau keturunan dalam penyakit ini. Walau demikian faktor pemakanan iaitu dari segi tabiat dan jenis makanan yang mengandungi banyak karbohidrat dan gula, perisa dan pengawet makan mungkin mempunyai peranan penting dalam kejadian penyakit PCO.

Faktor stress atau tekanan fizikal dan mental yang timbul dari suasana tegang dalam perkerjaan dan rumah, pergeseran dan konflik dikalangan keluarga atau saudara-mara dan dalam kenderaan ketika memandu mungkin juga ada memainkan peranan dalam kejadian penyakit ini.


  1. Tujuan rawatan polycystic ovary ialah pertama untuk meningkatkan kesuburan kerana sebahagian besar daripada mereka berjumpa doktor dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan anak dan kerana mereka mengalami ketidaksuburan ataupun kemandulan.
  2. Tujuan kedua ialah untuk membetulkan pusingan haid supaya jarak antara satu haid supaya jarak antara satu haid dengan yang lainnya lebih kerap ataupun normal iaitu 30 hari."


Cyst ialah cecair yang berada di dalam kantung yang terjadi dibawah kulit dan boleh terjadi di payudara, ovari dan di vagina, dan kadang-kadang tidak mengganggu kehidupan seharian seseorang wanita sehinggalah cyst tersebut menekan sesuatu organ atau saraf sehingga mengakibatkan kesakitan.

Fibroids pula ialah ketumbuhan yang bukan kanser yang tumbuh di atas atau didalam dinding uterus, dan menyebabkan kencing berdarah, merasa sakit sewaktu melakukan hubungan kelamin, pundi dan usus terasa tertekan.


Banyak kajian membuktikan, berat badan berlebihan yang keterlaluan ada kaitan dengan Sindrom Ovari Polisistik (PCOS), iaitu antara punca utama masalah kesuburan.

Obesiti pada wanita boleh:
  1. Mengganggu proses ovulasi (penghasilan telur) atau tiada ovulasi langsung. Gangguan hormon menyebabkan pembesaran telur tidak sempurna atau tidak mencapai saiz yang diperlukan untuk ovulasi.
  2. Mengganggu kitaran haid.
  3. Memanjangkan tempoh rawatan untuk hamil. Jika mengandung pun, kandungan tidak stabil, terutama dalam tiga bulan pertama.
  4. Kurang respons atau tindak balas badan terhadap ubat kesuburan atau suntikan hormon.
  5. Memerlukan dos ubat atau suntikan yang tinggi.
  6. Risiko keguguran tinggi.
  7. Risiko tinggi menghidap kencing manis dan tekanan darah tinggi ketika mengandung.
  8. Meningkatkan risiko kecacatan bayi.
  9. Meningkatkan risiko bayi dalam kandungan bersaiz besar.
Wanita terlalu kurus:
  1. Kurang rembesan hormon.
  2. Kurang nafsu untuk hubungan seksual.
  3. Peratusan implantasi embrio dalam rahim lebih rendah.

Lelaki obes dan terlalu kurus:
  1. Jumlah sperma kurang.
  2. Jumlah sperma yang berbentuk tidak normal tinggi.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Don't pull me!!!!

Washing Grapes with Colgate - Great Tip

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Titanic is DOOMED!

The Titanic was built in Belfast, Ireland, under the direction of J. Bruce Ismay, co-owner of the White Star Line. On July 31, 1908, the final contracts were signed for the construction of Titanic and her sister ships the Olympic and the Britannic. The Titanic as her name implies was enormous. According to the original specifications, she would be 882 feet 9 inches in length, 94 feet wide and 100 feet high to the Bridge level. Construction continued in various phases until the Titanic was ready for her maiden voyage on April 10, 1912.

Let’s take a closer look at the activities of this fateful day.

At about 7:30 a.m., Captain Edward J. Smith boards the Titanic along with his crew. The Titanic is in Southampton, England, having made a short sail from the shipyards in Ireland as a test.

At 8:00 a.m., the crew is summoned and a brief lifeboat drill is conducted using only two starboard boats (number 11 and 15).

Between 9:30 and 11:00 a.m., passengers are permitted to board the ship. As depicted in the recent Movie “Titanic”, the boarding for first class passengers is quite a different process than for those destined for steerage. Wealthy people enjoyed lavish accommodations, fine food, recreation and breathtaking views of the Ocean. Second class and steerage passengers were boarded below decks, often in cramped quarters. Many were immigrants hoping to begin a new life in America.

At 11:30 a.m., the First class passengers are escorted to their cabins.

By noon on April 10, 1912, the Titanic sets sail. Casting off from the docks, she is towed by several tugboats and is escorted to the open ocean.

At 5:30 p.m., the Titanic arrives at Cherbourg, France to pick up more passengers. By 8:00 p.m., she takes on 274 additional passengers and sets sail for an overnight trip to Queensland, Ireland. By 11:30 a.m. the next day, 120 more passengers are boarded.

At 1:30 p.m., on April 11, 1912, the Titanic’ anchor is lifted for the final time. Once more several tugboats escort to the open ocean where she will depart on her first transatlantic voyage to New York. Of course, this will be the last time she will ever see port again.

An estimate of 2,227 people was believed to be aboard the Titanic before her ill-fated disaster. The exact number passengers are not known due to various discrepancies in the crew and passenger lists.

The story of Titanic’ final days at sea is legendary and of course, her sinking is one of the most captivating and tragic stories of modern times.

Between April 11 and 12, the Titanic covered 386 miles of open-ocean, the weather is calm and clear.

Between April 12 and 13, the Captain decides to increase her speed, which allows her to cover 519 miles. The crew started to receive ice warnings, but that was expected and was not considered unusual for April.

On Sunday, April 14, 1912, the Titanic began to pick up more frequent iceberg warnings being observed from nearby vessels. For instance, at 1:42 p.m., an iceberg warning from the vessel Baltic is received which tells of large quantities of field ice about 250 miles ahead of the Titanic. The message is given to Captain Smith, who later gives it to Bruce Ismay who was aboard for her maiden voyage. He puts the message in his pocket.

At 5:30 that evening, the captain slightly alters the ship’s course, perhaps to try to avoid the ice.

At 7:30 p.m., three warning messages from the Californian concerning large icebergs are received. The messages are once again relayed to the Captain, who is attending a dinner party. The ice is now only 50 miles ahead.

At 9:20 p.m., the Captain retires for the night, asking only to be wakened if necessary.

At 11:40 p.m., the Titanic is moving at 20 ? knots (23.59 mi/hr). The air temperature is close to 32 degrees under a cloudless sky. The water temperature is 31 degrees. Suddenly, the Titanic’ lookouts spot an iceberg, towering 50-60 feet above the water only 500 yards away. Immediately, the warning bells are sounded and messages relayed to the bridge. Sixth officer Moody is on the bridge at the time and acknowledges the warning. The order to turn the ship “hard-a-starboard” is given along with the order to stop the engines. The levers to close the watertight doors below the waterline are activated. The Titanic begins to veer to port but it is too late. Titanic strikes the iceberg along the starboard bow side of the ship. The iceberg retreats into the night, having inflicted a mortal wound on this great ship. A mere 37 seconds have elapsed from the moment the iceberg was sighted.

In ten minutes, water has risen 14 feet above the keel. The first five compartments are taking on water. Boiler room number 6 is flooded in eight feet of water.

By midnight, the mailroom, 24 feet above the keel, begins taking on water. The captain asks for and receives an assessment of the situation: The Titanic will stay afloat for 1 to 1 ? hours only.

The Captain orders a distress signal sent out over the wireless. The ship’s position: 41 degrees 46 minutes North, 50 degrees 14 minutes West.

By 12:05 a.m., April 15, 1912, the Squash court, 32 feet above the keel, is awash. Orders are given to uncover the lifeboats. The grim reality of the situation is beginning to take shape. There is only enough room for 1,178 passengers in the lifeboats, but there are 2,227 people on board.

Between 12:15 and 2:17 a.m., several ships report having heard the Titanic’ distress signals. These include the Titanic’ sister ship the Olympic, who is 500 miles away. The Mount Temple, Frankfort, Birma, Baltic, Virginian and the Carpathia all attempt to come about and render assistance.

At around 12:15 a.m., the ship’s band begins to play music in the first class lounge on “A deck”…this of course, is a famous and ultimately surrealistic image!

At 12:25 a.m., the order to begin loading lifeboats is given and by 12:45, the first boat is lowered away. It leaves with 28 people, but it has a capacity to hold 68.

The loading of passengers into lifeboats soon degenerates into chaos. More and more lifeboats leave, most of them are less than fully loaded. Panic now grips the passengers as many begin to realize the desperate situation at hand.

At 1:45 a.m., the last words ever heard from the titanic are received by the Carpathia, which is steaming at full speed to try to render assistance. These words are: “Engine room full up to the boilers”

At 2:10 a.m., with water now only ten feet below the promenade deck, Captain Smith relieves the wireless operators from their duties. One of them, a man by the name of Phillips, continues to send messages. The last message was sent at 2:17 a.m.

The Captain finally states that “Its every man for himself” and retreats to the bridge to await the end.

At this time, the Titanic’ bow plunges underwater. By 2:20 a.m., the broken off stern section settles below the water and the ship begins its long, lonely descent into the darkness of the icy Atlantic.

Out of 2,220 that booked passage, 1,500 die as a result of the sinking, with 705 people surviving

The spirits who haunt Titanic the Exhibition

Ninety years. That’s how long it has been since 1,513 people lost their lives to what can be attributed to arrogance and folly. It was in April 1912 when the “unsinkable” R.M.S. Titanic set sail from South Hampton. She was a modern marvel, a floating first-class luxury hotel and man’s attempt to prove that he had finally conquered nature. Instead, the age of innocence came to a halt and 1912 became the unofficial, tardy end to the 19th century.

The tragedy known as the world’s most recognized maritime disaster has fascinated many and profited others (by spawning an onslaught of books, movies and other such media). Elusive for 73 years, the discovery of her wreck in 1985 spurred an entirely new wave of attention. A blockbuster mega-budget movie further fueled the fury of interest, and served to educate those ignorant to the enormous emotional intensity of the catastrophe.

A series of deep-water excursions (or intrusions, depending on where one stands on the issue) brought a wealth of artifacts back from the wreck site. Quite a few of those treasures travel around the world in a series of exhibits devoted to the Titanic enigma. The artifacts aren’t the only things that travel with this globetrotting exhibit. Documented news reports from Argentina, Chili, and England suggest that the display is haunted. Disembodied voices, phantom footsteps, and even the sighting of a woman in a long white 18th century dress have been mentioned (in some cases by local police).

In 1999, Titanic -the Exhibition, the first permanent museum devoted entirely to Titanic, opened in Orlando, Florida. Complete with scale recreations of the verandah café, a first class stateroom, outdoor deck, and grand staircase, the attraction was an instant success. Dedicated actors and authentic period artifacts (many from the infamous ship herself) round out this unique experience. There are even some who have experienced a bit more than what the museum has listed in its extensive collection.

From the very start, mystery and controversy surrounded the world’s largest ocean liner. The huge boat was never christened, and a cock is said to have crowed in full daylight (a bad omen to sailors) as Titanic departed. Seventeen workers died during construction, two of whom are said to haunt Harland and Wolf’s Belfast shipyards to this day. Amid the fury of religious contention in Northern Ireland, Protestant workers were accused of attempting to sabotage the ship. The alleged evidence: Titanic’s hull number 3909-04, which viewed backwards says, “no POPE”, at least according the passion of the Catholic shipbuilders.

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A recent investigation of the Orlando museum by the Central Florida Ghost Society turned up some very interesting photographs and even recorded the sounds of phantom footsteps in the general area where the shipyard set is located. Could the spirits of Irish craftsmen be keeping an eye on things?

Other sightings include William Stead, a journalist and spiritualist who sailed on Titanic, despite the forewarnings of a maritime mishap which he wrote about 20 years prior to that fateful night in April 1912. Stead’s photograph is among the many period pieces for sale in the gift shop. He is greeted daily with a friendly “good morning” by one conscientious staff member.

Actors have reported seeing shadows, observing objects animate on their own and even smelling the overwhelming scent of seawater in the attraction. Women in period dresses have been seen throughout the exhibit and may be connected to a trunk that is on display. This lady’s trunk which tends to draw female guests, was found floating near the wreck site in 1912 and is now on display near the end of the museum.

By far, the most popular spirit is that of a seven-year-old girl. She and her family were passengers on Titanic’s lower decks (they did not survive the sinking). Her name is Catherine Johnston. Like any child her age, she is quite playful. She was first sighted by one of the staff as she tugged on the dress of an unaware guest. Another actress thought it a bit odd when a red ball rolled from behind a display case. She believes the child’s hand, which was observed retrieving the toy, belonged to Ms. Johnston. The height of Catherine’s hi-jinx takes place at the exit of the museum. There, she has playfully tossed books, mouse pads, pencils and cassettes off the shelves. She loves attention, as evidenced when she starts banging objects on the shelf, causing a racket that only subsides when she is recognized with a simple, “Hello Catherine.”

The spirits of Titanic the Exhibition are, for the most part, peaceful and content. They appear to be pleased with the diligence, dedication and respect that the actors pour into their roles. Titanic: the Exhibition is a wonderful blend of history, life lessons, and reverent emotion-emotion that might just be evoked by the presence of the spirits who reside there.

Titanic History

Ninety years ago, there was shock and disbelief in England, Ireland and America as news came through that the highly publicised RMS Titanic, built by the shipworkers of Harland and Wolff in Belfast hadcfoundered after hitting an iceberg.
Over 1500 lives were lost; children lost their fathers, mothers lost husbands, sons and daughters.

Ninety years on, the story of Titanic still captivates millions of people around the world.

Like many seafaring counties, Kent has connections to Titanic. Some of the ships passengers came from East Kent and The Medway Towns. The senior surviving officer of Titanic, Charles Herbert Lightoller later in life took part in the Dunkirk Evacuation by crossing the channel in his little ship 'Sundowner'. Kent's Lord Astor of Hever, a modern day Kent Lord, still shares the same family name as the richest man who was on board.

Rahsia Perwatakan Melalui Golongan Darah

Gologan darah A
1. Orang yang bergolongan darah A ini biasanya berkepala dingin, serius, sabar dan tenang.
2. Orang yang bergolongan darah A ini mempunyai karakter yang tegas, dipercayai namun keras kepala.
3. Sebelum melakukan sesuatu perkara,mereka memikirkannya terlebih dahulu serta merancangnya secara matang. Mereka melakukan sesuatu dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan secara konsisten..
5. Mereka selalu kelihatan menyendiri dan jauh dari orang ramai
6. Mereka cuba menekan perasaan mereka dan kerana sering melakukannya mereka kelihatan tabah dan cekal walaupun sebenarnya mereka mempunyai kelemahan diri seperti gugup dan sebagainya.
7. Mereka cenderung keras terhadap orang-orang yang tidak sependapat. Oleh itu,
mereka lebih suka berada di sekitar orang-orang yang 'sekepala'.

Gologan darah B
1. Orang yang bergolongan darah B ini cenderung penasaran dan tertarik terhadap segalanya.
2. Mereka juga biasanya mempunyai terlalu banyak kegemaran dan hobi. Kalau sedang suka dengan sesuatu biasanya minat mereka menggebu-gebu namun cepat juga bosan.
3. Tapi biasanya mereka dapat memilih mana yang lebih penting dan utama dari sekian banyak hal yang dikerjakannya.
4. Mereka cenderung ingin menjadi nombor satu dalam pelbagai bidang daripada hanya dianggap rata-rata. Tetapi mereka juga cenderung melalaikan sesuatu jika terfokus dengan kesibukan yang lain.
5. Dari segi luaran, mereka kelihatan cemerlang, riang, dan bersemangat. Namun sebenarnya hal itu semua sama sekali berbeza dengan apa yang ada di dalam diri mereka.
6. Mereka boleh dikatakan sebagai orang yang tidak suka bergaul dengan banyak orang.

Gologan darah O
1. Orang yang bergolongan darah O,biasanya berperanan memberi semangat dalam suatu kumpulan. Mereka sering bertindak mewujudkan keharmonian di antara anggota kumpulannya.
2. Sikap mereka kelihatan seperti orang yang menerima dan melaksanakan sesuatu dengan tenang. Mereka pandai menutupi sesuatu sehingga mereka kelihatan selalu riang, damai dan tidak punya masalah sama sekali. Tapi kalau tidak tahan, mereka pasti akan mencari tempat atau orang untuk mengadu.
3. Mereka biasanya pemurah (baik hati), senang berbuat kebajikan. Mereka dermawan dan tidak segan-segan mengeluarkan wang untuk orang lain.
4. Mereka biasanya dikasihi dan disenangi oleh semua orang. Tapi mereka sebenarnya keras kepala juga, dan secara rahsia mempunyai pendapatnya sendiri dalam pelbagai hal
5. Namun, mereka sangat fleksibel dan sangat mudah menerima hal-hal yang baru.
6. Mereka mudah di pengaruhi oleh orang lain dan dengan apa yang mereka lihat dari kaca TV.
7. Mereka seperti
seseorang yang berkepala dingin dan dipercayai tapi mereka sering tergelincir dan membuat kesalahan yang besar kerana kurang berhati-hati. Tapi hal itu yang menyebabkan orang yang bergolongan darah O ini dicintai.

Gologan darah AB
1. Orang yang bergolongan darah AB ini mempunyai perasaan yang sensitif dan lembut.
2. Mereka penuh keprihatinan akan perasaan orang lain dan selalu mengambil berat dan berhati-hati
3. Namun mereka keras dengan diri mereka sendiri dan juga dengan orang-orang yang dekat dengannya.
4. Mereka seolah mempunyai dua keperibadian.
5. Mereka sering menjadi orang yang sentimental dan memikirkan sesuatu terlalu dalam.
6. Mereka mempunyai banyak teman, tapi mereka memerlukan waktu untuk bersendirian bagi memikirkan persoalan dan masalah mereka sendiri.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Human or Animal....?