Thursday, April 30, 2009
7 jalan paling ajaib dalam dunia
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Misteri: Sumpah Keramat Mahsuri
Langkawi dikatakan membangun, seterusnya diisytihar sebagai pulau bebas cukai pada 1987 selepas generasi ketujuh
"YA Tuhanku! Tidak aku redha dan tidak aku halalkan darahku tumpah ke bumi Langkawi. Tidak aku rela mati dengan teraniaya! Aku bersumpah pulau ini menjadi padang jarak padang terkukur, tidak akan makmur dan aman sehingga genap tujuh keturunan. Berpuakalah pulau ini! Ya, Allah, matikanlah aku yang tidak berdosa ini...."
Demikianlah antara baris akhir ‘sumpah keramat’ yang dikatakan dilafazkan lagenda Mahsuri lebih 200 tahun lalu ketika dihukum bunuh akibat fitnah ‘bermain kayu tiga’ ketika ketiadaan suaminya, Wan Derus.
Mahsuri dikatakan meninggal dunia pada 1819 Masihi bersamaan 1235 Hijrah.
Bermula detik itu, menyusul beberapa kejadian buruk di Pulau Seri Negeri yang dikaitkan dengan ayat keramat yang kononnya dilafazkan Mahsuri yang juga puteri tunggal Pandak Mayah dan Mak Andak Alang.
Bagaimanapun, persoalan itu masih menjadi misteri dan belum diterokai sepenuhnya.
Malah, secara kebetulan kelahiran gadis manis bernama Sirintra Yayee atau Nong May atau nama Melayunya, Wan Aishah binti Wan Nawawi pada 1985 yang dikatakan generasi ketujuh Mahsuri turut memperkuatkan andaian penduduk.
Ini kerana selepas itu beberapa perubahan besar berlaku, sekali gus memperlihatkan Langkawi semakin membangun dari segi fizikal dan ekonomi bertambah maju, seterusnya diisytihar sebagai pulau bebas cukai pada 1987.
Sebelum 1980-an, kehidupan di Langkawi semuanya menjadi sukar dan dilaporkan tidak makmur hinggakan orang mengatakan yang kerbau lebih banyak berbanding manusia di pulau itu.
Ketika banyak pihak mempertikaikan kesahihan sumpah keramat itu, bekas Perdana Menteri yang juga bekas Pegawai Daerah Langkawi, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj mengambil inisiatif mencari kubur jelitawan itu.
Kesungguhan Tunku Abdul Rahman yang dibantu seluruh pemimpin masyarakat dan penduduk setempat menjejaki semua kubur lama hingga ke seluruh pelosok pulau itu memakan masa yang berbulan-bulan lamanya.
Akhirnya sekitar 1940-an, Tunku menemui kubur misteri itu di suatu tempat tersembunyi lalu dibinakan sebuah makam dan kini dikenali Makam Mahsuri yang letaknya di Kampung Mawat, Mukim Ulu Melaka, kira-kira 12 kilometer dari Kuah.
Mengimbas kematian Mahsuri menerusi catatan dalam beberapa buku sejarah lama, beliau pada mulanya diikat pada perdu pokok Asam Jawa dan ditikam dengan tombak (terdapat juga catatan yang menyatakan senjata itu adalah keris).
Menurut lagenda, tombak yang digunakan tidak dapat menembusi tubuh Mahsuri. Lalu Mahsuri mendedahkan bahawa dia hanya dapat ditikam dengan tombak sakti yang terdapat di alang rumahnya.
Walaupun dipujuk dan dirayu ibu bapa Mahsuri, hukuman tetap dijalankan dan Mahsuri dibunuh tanpa diberi peluang membela diri.
Akibat fitnah dan hukuman zalim itu, Mahsuri dikatakan mengalirkan darah berwarna putih selepas terpacul kata-katanya yang tidak menghalalkan darahnya jatuh ke bumi.
Sementara, lelaki yang difitnah berhubungan sulit dengan Mahsuri, dikenali sebagai Deramang, yang juga seorang penyair turut dibunuh kemudiannya walaupun cuba bertindak balas untuk mempertahankan diri.
Cerita lagenda juga menyebut jenazah Mahsuri dikebumikan oleh ibu bapanya bersebelahan dengan harta tebusan yang ingin digunakan bagi menebusnya.
Dalam catatan lain pula, kehidupan awal Mahsuri bermula di bawah pemerintahan Sultan Abdullah Mukarram Shah III (1778-1797) dan Sultan Ziyauddin Mukarram Shah II Ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zainal Azilin Muadzam Shah (1797-1803) iaitu ketika Pandak Mayah baru saja berhijrah ke Langkawi.
Diceritakan juga bahawa pasangan Pandak Mayah dan Mak Andak Alang datang dari Siam. Pandak Mayah adalah seorang yang berada kerana memiliki sawah yang luas dan terbabit dengan perniagaan sarang burung layang-layang.
Kelahiran Mahsuri turut dibayangi lagenda apabila sesetengah masyarakat percaya bahawa selepas ibunya (yang tidak pernah mempunyai anak) memakan kerak nasi yang dijumpai di sawah, akhirnya mengandung dan melahirkan seorang anak perempuan yang kemudian diberi nama Mahsuri.
Kehidupan Mahsuri dalam tempoh itu dikhabarkan seperti anak gadis Melayu lain yang diasuh dengan tatasusila dan kesantunan, selain berpegang teguh kepada ajaran Islam.
Bagaimanapun, kejelitaan yang dimiliki Mahsuri membawa kepada buah mulut dan membangkitkan rasa cemburu yang melampau membabitkan masyarakat setempat terutama di kalangan kaum wanita.
Kemudian, Mahsuri dikahwinkan dengan seorang pemuda dan pahlawan tempatan iaitu Wan Derus, seorang anak kepada wakil Sultan di Langkawi, Wan Yahya (atau dengan gelaran Datuk Seri Pekerma Jaya) dan Wan Mahura.
Ketika pemerintahan Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Shah II Ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ziyauddin Mukarram Shah (1803-1843), hubungan Kedah-Siam menjadi keruh.
Mahsuri dikatakan hamil ketika Wan Derus bersama ratusan penduduk lain keluar dari Langkawi selepas diperintahkan kerajaan Kedah ke Siam untuk berperang.
Sepeninggalan Wan Derus, Mahsuri dikatakan tinggal bersama ibu bapanya. Pada waktu sama, Deramang, seorang penyair dan peniaga singgah di Langkawi dan menawar diri untuk tinggal lebih lama di pulau itu.
Kebolehan luar biasa Deramang menambat hati penduduk Langkawi lalu dengan ehsan ibu bapa Mahsuri, beliau dibenarkan tinggal di rumah keluarga itu untuk mengajarkan syair.
Kepandaian Deramang dalam bersyair menaikkan nama Mahsuri sebagai tuan rumah dan sekali lagi menimbulkan perasaan cemburu kepada Wan Mahura, ibu mertuanya sebagai isteri pembesar Langkawi ketika itu.
Atas sebab itu, Mahsuri dan Deramang menjadi mangsa fitnah sebelum ditahan dan dijatuhkan hukuman bunuh oleh bapa mertuanya sendiri setelah termakan hasutan isterinya.
Tanpa menunggu Wan Derus pulang, Mahsuri dan Deramang di bawa ke Padang Matsirat untuk dijatuhkan hukuman.
Cerita yang sebahagian besar diwarisi secara lisan dari satu generasi ke satu generasi itu ternyata benar dengan kewujudan beberapa nama tempat termasuk kampung dan mukim yang masih gah hingga ke hari ini.
Bagaimanapun, persoalan benarkah wanita cantik bernama Mahsuri pernah bersumpah keramat sebelum dihukum bunuh dan jasadnya disemadikan di Makam Mahsuri? Ia masih misteri sehingga kini.
FAKTA: Kejadian dikaitkan dengan sumpah keramat Mahsuri
Langkawi diserang hebat oleh tentera Siam.
Jelapang padi kepunyaan penduduk dimusnahkan.
Padi milik penduduk dikumpulkan di Kampung Raja, Padang Matsirat dan dibakar hingga hangus.
Datuk Seri Pekerma Jaya dan isterinya, Wan Mahura turut terbunuh dalam peperangan dengan Siam.
Penduduk Langkawi yang terselamat dijadikan orang tawanan dan dibawa ke Siam.
Langkawi tidak membangun selama tujuh keturunan.
Makam Mahsuri:
Letaknya di Kampung Mawat, Mukim Ulu Melaka, Langkawi.
Jaraknya 12 kilometer dari jeti Kuah
Dijumpai di bawah sepohon cenderai yang rendang.
Kawasan itu turut di kelilingi pohon rumbia.
Terdapat sebuah perigi di kawasan berhampiran.
Dibina semula oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj pada 1940-an.
Kini muncul sebagai destinasi mesti lawat di Langkawi.
who lived some 200 years ago.
Once upon a time, there lived in Langkawi two Muslim Siamese immigrants, a childless couple, Pandak Maya and Mak Andam, who prayed for a child.
Their prayers were answered when they had Mahsuri, a sweet delightful child who grew into a beautiful young woman. Being kind-hearted and of such a beauty,
she captured the heart and soon married Wan Darus, a warrior and the son of the headman of the village and Chief of Langkawi
Their idyllic lives were disrupted when her husband went off to fight against an invading Siamese army. A travelling minstrel and poet named Deraman arrived at the village and soon, Mahsuri and Deraman became good friends.
Mahsuri was said to have allowed him to stay at her house. This soon gave
rise to the vicious gossip that Mahsuri was a faithless wife
She was soon a victim of a conspiracy and was falsely accused of committing adultery with the handsome Deraman.
There are many versions as to the reasons behind the treachery.
Widely believed was that her own mother in law, Wan Mahora, was jealous of
her beauty and popularity and had plotted against her.
Yet another version says that the village headman, Dato Karma Jaya
(her father in law) was so enamoured of Mahsuri, that he tried to make use
of her husband's absence to his advantage. Needless to say, his caused wife
(her mother in law) was not amused and plotted to have Mahsuri done away with.
Hence, she was accused Mahsuri of being an adulteress, and was sentenced
to death by Dato Karma Jaya, her own father-in-law.
Despite her parents' pleas and the cries of her child at her skirts, Mahsuri was dragged away and tied to a tree. Vehemently protesting her innocence,
she begged for mercy, but the villagers, under the influence of the headman's
wife, gave her no quarter. Legend says that the swords and machetes used
by the executors could not injure her. The people really should have believed her when all the spears that they threw at her fell harmlessly at her feet. They were baffled but still convinced that Mahsuri was guilty of wrong-doing.
Finally, Mahsuri, having resigned herself that only her death would appease them, told them how they could kill her. She would only die by the blade of the
ceremonial sword kept at her home. Someone was sent to fetch it and
legend has it that the sky became overcast and there was thunder and
lightning as Mahsuri was fatally stabbed.
At her execution by stabbing with a sacred 'keris' or dagger, the villagers were shocked to discover that the blood flowing from her body was white, signifying
her innocence. Others maintain there was the sudden appearance of white
mist that enveloped the spot where she was executed, which it was believed
was a sign of mourning of her innocence.
Mahsuri is is probably best remembered for her curse. With her dying breath Mahsuri placed a curse on the island of Langkawi by uttering, "For this act of injustice Langkawi shall not prosper for seven generations to come."
In 1821, not long after Mahsuri's execution, Siam invaded Langkawi. To starve the invading Siamese soldiers, Dato Karma Jaya ordered all the rice on the island
be collected and burnt in Padang Mat Sirat.
This proved to be a foolish move, for the residents soon died from starvation.
Remnants of the burnt rice could still be seen in a cordoned area in Padang Mat Sirat, Kampung Raha. The burnt rice is said to have been buried below ground before being burnt, but often appears on the surface after a rainy day.
Do you not think it strange that the rice grains have not turned into soil after so long? Some things have to be seen or experienced first-hand to be believed.
The village headman and his sons were killed fighting the Siamese and
neither was his wife spared.
Decades after Mahsuri's death, Langkawi experienced a period of tribulation
with her population dwindling in size. The island became a desolate place,
beset by series of misfortunes.
As for Mahsuri's family, they left Langkawi and settled in Thailand.
No one knew much about what had happened to them until the year 2000
when the Kedah government located them on the island of Phuket. They were invited to Langkawi for a visit and to see if they would like to make the island their new home. The time for Mahsuri's seven generation old curse to end was at hand and it was hoped that with the arrival of her descendants, Langkawi could finally put its sad past behind and move forward towards prosperity and progress.
Wan Aishah Nawawi pointing to her very famous ancestor Mahsuri
Coincidence or not, one of the two siblings who are of the seventh generation descendants, is a young and pretty fourteen year old girl (at 2003) named Wan Aishah Nawawi who bears a striking resemblance to Mahsuri as depicted in a portrait painted quite some time ago. The family has since returned to Phuket as they have not yet been able to make the all important decision of becoming Malaysian citizens and resettling in Langkawi. The public was first introduced to Langkawi by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-Haj, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia. As a young District Officer in Kedah, the Tunku used to visit Langkawi and had wanted to visit Mahsuri's gav to pay his respects. However, no one could tell him where it was. So, the Tunku made up his mind to find it. He was not one to give up and so persevered until one day, he came across a grave hidden in some undergrowth.
He was sure that it was Mahsuri's although there was no marker indicating that fact or otherwise. He approached a Chinese contractor to build a tomb for her. Shortly after the tomb was erected, the Tunku was given a promotion and was eventually to become the first Prime Minister of Malaysia and the contractor who had borne the costs of building the tomb became rather prosperous – as he soon landed several lucrative contracts.Mahsuri's tomb is now encased in white marble, quarried from the hills of Langkawi - white symbolising her innocence. Nearby is a well, which Mahsuri used to wash and bathe. Photographs of her descendants are displayed on the board next to her grave.
Whether fact or fiction , the curse, believed to have brought destruction and doom to the island and was to last for seven generations. It was said that at one time, buffaloes even outnumbered villagers. It has only been recently with the birth in 1980 of Aishah Nawawi, a direct descendant of Mahsuri, the eighth generation, that Langkawi has started to really prosper.
To Malaysians, Mahsuri is more than a legend; she is the epitome that truth and goodness shall prevail. And just as the Tunku had freed Malaya from colonial rule, so too had he helped Langkawi to free itself from the shackles of its own past.
Makanan & Kalori
Kategori:Kuih Muih
1. Kasuiberkelapa parut (sekeping) = 160 kalori
2. Kuih lapis (sekeping) = 130 kalori
3. Bingka ubi (sekeping) = 220 kalori
4. Cekodok Pisang (sebiji sederhana) = 180 kalori
5. Popia goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
6. Popia basah (satu) = 95 kalori
7. Pisang goreng (sekeping) = 170 kalori
8. Kek biasa tanpa krim (sepotong) = 87 kalori
9. Karipap (sebiji) = 130 kalori
10. Sandwich sardin (sekeping) = 70 kalori
11. Bubur kacang (semangkuk) = 100 kalori
Kategori: Lauk Pauk
1. Ikan kembong kari berkuah (seekor) = 85 kalori
2. Ikan tenggiri goreng bercili (sepotong) = 142 kalori
3. Ikan kembong goreng (seekor) = 140 kalori
4. Ikan senangin masam manis berkuah (sepotong) = 210 kalori
5. Daging lembu kari berkuah (2 kotak mancis) = 130 kalori
6. Ayam kari berkuah (sepotong) = 250 kalori
7. Ayam goreng (sepotong) = 255 kalori
8. Ayam tandoori (sepotong) = 220 kalori
9. Sambal udang (setengah cawan) = 70 kalori
10. Sambal sotong (setengah cawan) = 55 kalori
11. Telor goreng (sebiji) = 110 kalori
12. Taukua goreng (sekeping) = 110 kalori
13. Kacang panggang dalam tin (2 sudu makan) = 40 kalori
Kategori: Makanan Rutin
1. Nasi putih (satu setengah cawan) = 260 kalori
2. Nasi lemak bersambal (sepinggan) = 400 kalori
3. Nasi goreng bertelur (sepinggan) = 635 kalori
4. Nasi briyani berayam (sepinggan) = 880 kalori
5. Nasi minyak kosong (sepinggan) = 445 kalori
6. Nasi ayam kosong (sepinggan) = 300 kalori
7. Mee goreng kosong (sepinggan) = 660 kalori
8. Mee sup (semangkuk) = 380 kalori
9. Mee hoon goreng (sepinggan) = 550 kalori
10. Roti putih (2 keping) = 156 kalori
11. Roti canai kosong tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 200 kalori
12. Capati tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 180 kalori
13. Pau ayam (sebiji) = 203 kalori
14. Emping jagung kosong (secawan) =160 kalori
Kategori: Makanan Segera
1. Peha ayam goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
2. Nugget ayam (satu) = 60 kalori
3. Kentang lecek (satu tub kecil) = 90 kalori
4. Sayur kobis hancur (satu tub) = 75 kalori
5. Burger keju (satu) = 425 kalori
6. Kentang goreng (satu kantung kecil) = 405 kalori
7. Sate ayam (secucuk) = 35 kalori
8. Pizza berkeju (sepotong) = 240 kalori
Kategori: Buah-buahan
1. Tembikai (sepotong) = 20 kalori
2. Betik (sepotong) = 45 kalori
3. Pisang emas (2 biji) = 76 kalori
4. Durian (5 ulas) = 64 kalori
5. Limau (sebiji) = 42 kalori
6. Jambu batu (sebiji) = 110 kalori
7. Nenas (sepotong) = 59 kalori
8. Epal (sebiji) = 63 kalori
9. Ciku (sebiji) = 44 kalori
10. Mangga (sebiji) = 103 kalori
minuman berkabonat 1 tin 285g - 120 kal
minuman kotak 250g - 105 kal
susu tepung penuh krim 1 sudu makan - 33 kal
susu tepungtanpa lemak 1 sudu makan - 25 kal
aiskrim 2 skop- 390 kal
susu pekat manis 1 sudu makan - 71 kal
yogurt rendah lemak 1 cawan - 90 kal
mentega 2 sudu teh - 75 kal
keju chedar 1 keping -58 kal
1tbsp minyak apa jenis pun 120 kalories
1 tbsp butter 100 calories
1tbsp santan low fat 9- 15 calories
1tbsp santan biasa 30-50 calories
1/2 cup sayur 20-30 calories
1/2 cup nasi, pasta, mi, bihun, cereal 100 calories
1 keping roti less 100
1 potato n banana less 100
100g seafood - 100 calories
100g fish - 120-150
100g chicken 130-150
100 g red meat 150
1tbsp sos2 .. 20-40
~~~ credited to XoXo ( from
french fries - 1 small cup (90g) 290 Kcal
hot dog - 1 whole (82g) 225 Kcal
mashed potatoes -1 cup regular (94g) 87Kcal
Big Mac - 1 570Kcal
~~~~ credited to marisa_anuar( from
Sangat tinggi / Very high (> 600 kcal)
Nasi goreng (dengan telur, ayam dan sayur) /
Fried rice (with egg, chicken and vegetable)
Tinggi/High (401 -600 kcal)
Mi bandung/Bandung noodles
Kueh tiau bandung/Kueh tiau bandung
Mi kari/Curry mee
Nasi dagang/Nasi dagang
Mi hoon bandung/Mee hoon bandung
Nasi briyani, nasi sahaja/Nasi briyani, rice only
Nasi minyak/Oily rice
Sederhana / Medium (101 - 400 kcal)
Nasi lemak/Nasi lemak
Mi sup/Mee soup
Roti telur/Roti telur
Kueh tiau goreng/Fried kueh tiau
Roti canai/Roti canal
Mi hoon goreng/Fried mee hoon
Mi goreng/Fried mee
Nasi ayam/Chicken rice
Putu bambu/Putu bambu
Rendah / Low (0- 100 kcal)
Putu mayam/Putu mayam
Sangat Tinggi / Very High (>300 kcal)
Mysore pak/Mysore pak
Tinggi / High (151 - 300 kcal)
Bingka ubi kayu/Bingka ubi kayu
Vadai, kacang dal kuning/Vadai, yellow lentil
Lepat pisang/Lepat pisang Cokodok pisang/Cokodok pisang
Kuih kasturi/Kuih kasturi
Kuih talam ubi kayu/Kuih talam ubi kayu
Sederhana / Medium (51 - 150 kcal)
Kuih sagu/Kuih sagu
Pisang goreng/Pisang goreng Kuih kastard jagung/Kuih kastard jagung
Puding jagung/Puding jagung
Kuih kacang/Kuih kacang
Putu kacang/Putu kacang
Cucur badak/Cucur badak
Rendah / Low (0-50 kcal)
Kerepek ubi kayu/Kerepek ubi kayu Kuih telur labah/Kuih telur labah
Kuih bangkit sagu/Kuih bangkit sagu Kuih bangkit/Kuih bangkit
SangatTinggi / Very high (>300 kcal)
Lor-mai-fan (pulut dengan kacang)/
Lor-mai-fan (glutinous rice with peanuts)
Tinggi / High (151-300 kcal)
Tepung bungkus/Tepung bungkus
Kuih bom/Kuih bom
Kuih sri muka/Kuih sri muka
Bingka tepung beras/Bingka tepung beras
Pulut panggang/Pulut panggang
Kuih koci pulut putih/Kuih koci with white glutinous rice
Kuih kasui/Kuih kasui
Kuih koci pulut hitam/Kuih koci with black glutinous rice
Sederhana / Medium (51 - 150 kcal)
Tapai pulut/Tapai pulut
Kuih lapis/Kuih lapis
Kuih lompang/Kuih lompang
Kuih bakul/Kuih bakul
Rendah / Low (0 - 50 kcal)
Kuih karas/Kuih karas
Kuih buah Melaka/Kuih buah Melaka
Kuih buah rotan/Kuih buah rotan
Tinggi / High (151 - 300 kcal)
Kuih apam balik/Kuih apam balik
Kuih pau kacang merah/Red bean dumpling
Kuih pau ayaml Chicken dumpling
Kuih apam gula hanguslKuih apam gula hangus
Sederhana / Medium (51 - 150 kcal)
Cucur udang/Cucur udang
Kuih ketayap/Kuih ketayap
Karipap/Curry puff
Kuih keria/Kuih keria
Kuih lidah kucing/Kuih lidah kucing
Kuih apam/Kuih apam
Rendah / Low(0 - 50 kcal)
Karipap mini/Mini curry puff
Baulu cermai/Baulu cermai
Kuih tat nenas/Pineapple tart
Kuih bawang/Kuih bawang
Kuih kapit/Kuih kapit
Ehsan dari forum ....
Murtabak/mutton - 1 piece - 722 kalori
Cheese Cake - 1 slice - 400 kalori
Roti Telur & Dhal - 1 piece & 1/2 cup - 414 kalori
Laksa Kari - 1 bowl - 589 kalori
Nasi Lemak - 1 complete - 644 kalori
Mee Goreng Mamak - 1 plate - 660 kalori
Lor Mee - 1 bowl - 383 kalori
Mee Rebus - 1 plate - 556 kalori
Mee/Bihun Goreng - 1 plate - 510 kalori
Kuey Goreng Kerang - 1 plate - 743 kalori
Mee Wantan - 1 plate - 409 kalori
Laksa Penang - 1 bowl - 436 kalori
Mee sup - 1 bowl - 381 kalori
Lor Mai Fun - 1 plate - 422 kalori
Nasi Briyani Kambing - 1 plate - 587 kalori
Nasi Minyak + Rendang Daging - 1 plate - 664 kalori
Nasi Campur + 3 dish - 1 plate - 620 kalori
Century Egg Porridge - 1 bowl - 423 kalori
Nasi Ayam - 1 plate - 600 kalori
Nasi Goreng Biasa - 1 plate - 637 kalori
Nasi Claypot - 1 bowl - 898 kalori
Bah Kut Teh - 1 bowl - 348 kalori
Sotong goreng tepung - 1 small plate - 630 kalori
Sup Krim - 1 rice bowl - 375 kalori
Cheese burger with extra beef - 1 whole - 438 kalori
Fried fish cake with bun - 1 whole - 433 kalori
sundae chocolate - 1 cup - 380 kalori
Apple Pie - 1 piece - 260 kalori
Cheese & meat sauce - 1 small plate - 444 kalori
Sandwich chicken salad - 1 whole - 481 kalori
Pasembur - 1 plate - 752 kalori
Rojak Buah - 1 plate - 443 kalori
Teh tarik - 1 glass - 83 calori (if you take 4 cups a day, it will equal to 1 1/2 bowl ric
CREDIT: Kalorimakanan
Health Benefits of Watermelon
- Scientific name: Citrullus lanatus
- Family: Cucurbitaceae
- Origin: Africa
- Varieties: There are more than 50 varieties. Different varieties have different sizes, shape, color of skin, flesh, and even the seeds. Most varieties are red flesh, but there are also orange and yellow-fleshed varieties. Some varieties are seedless.
- Fruit length: 30-70 cm; weight: 1.5 – 30kg
- Season: all year round
The watermelon belongs to a large and distinguished family of vines, which includes gourds, squash and cucumbers. While some are trained to climb, the watermelon, with its very large fruit, spreads across the ground. Watermelons can be round, oblong or spherical in shape and feature thick green rinds that are often spotted or striped. Embedded in its deep pink or yellow flesh, are small dark brown or black edible seeds, some 200 to 900 in each fruit. The watermelon is very juicy, its flavor varying from the insipid (lacking of taste) to markedly sweet. It is a popular and refreshing fruit during the hot summers. The juice of the watermelon makes a refreshing drink, and is bottled and canned. The fruit also serves as a popular dessert fruit by itself and in combination with others.
Watermelon seed: Watermelon seeds contain oil, protein and vitamin B. The amount of oil varies from one variety to another; some produce enough to make useful cooking oil. Watermelon seeds contain about 35% protein, 50% oil, and 5% dietary fiber. In Asian countries, roasted watermelon seeds are either seasoned and eaten as a snack food (just like peanut) or ground up into cereal and used to make bread.
Nutritive Values Per 100 gm:
- Vitamin A: 590 I.U.
- Vitamin B: Thiamine .05 gm.
- Riboflavin: .05 mg.
- Niacin: .2 mg.
- Vitamin C: 6 mg.
- Calcium: 7 mg.
- Iron: .2 mg.
- Phosphorus: 12 mg.
- Potassium: 600 mg.
- Fat: .2 gm.
- Carbohydrates: 6.9 gm.
- Protein: .5 gm.
- Calories: 28
Health Benefits of Raisin
Want a portable, storable, sweet source of iron and potassium? Reach for a package of raisins. One-half cup will supply you with 545 milligrams of potassium, a nutrient that can help keep you feeling energetic. Raisins are grapes that are sundried or oven dried. Raisin is very sweet because it contains 70% pure sucrose (natural form of sugar) easily digested. It is cholesterol-free, low in sodium and totally fat-free.
Nutritive Values: per 100 gm.
- Vitamin A: 50I.U
- Vitamin B: thiamine .15mg.;
- Riboflavin: 08mg.
- Niacin: .5mg.
- Vitamin C: trace
- Calcium: 78mg.
- Iron: 3.3 mg.
- Phosphorus: 129 mg.
- Potassium: 575 mg.
- Fat: .5gm.
- Carbohydrates: 71.2gm.
- Protein: 2.3 gm.
- Calories: 268
Health Benefits:
- Raisins contain many B vitamins known for boasting energy.
- Raisins are high in calories which are also important in increasing energy.
- Raisin is a valuable strength building food which is ideal for persons who are weak, emaciated or anemic.
- The juice soaked or stewed raisins has been found to be a good remedy for sore throat, asthma and cases of catarrh (mucus running from mucous membrane).
- Raisin contains phytonutrient known as oleanolic acid which helps promote good oral health by destroying the bacteria that causes cavities.
- Raisin is rich in iron a nutrient which is necessary for formation of hemoglobin which carries oxygen to all body cells. An iron deficiency can cause weakness, bruising, sensitivity to cold, difficulty concentrating, irritability and fatigue.
- Raisin is rich in fiber and tartaric which promote digestive health and regularity. Diet rich in fiber can help lower the risk of colorectal cancer. Research finds that eating two servings one cup of raisins a day may help lower the risk of colon cancer.
- Raisins are one of the best dietary sources of boron. Boron is essential for bone health. The minerals in raisins in conjunction with estrogen in women help make bones stronger and ward off osteoporosis.
- Raisins are rich in antioxidants that helps protect our bodies against free radical damage.
- Raisins can help prevent macular degeneration, an age-related progressive disease of the retina.
- Raisins can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.
- The fruit sugar in raisins is more digestible than the cane sugar and raisins will not wreck havoc with your blood sugar levels.
Buying tip: Whether you are buying dark brown or golden raisins, your healthiest options are the ones that are specifically labeled "organic."
CREDIT: len7288@Hubpages
Health Benefits of Sardines
Sardines are the small fish packed in either tin can or glass bottles. Most people eat sardines because it is one of the most convenient food you can eat when you are in a hurry, no preparation required, just simply peel off the thin metal top and enjoy. There is more to this convenient food, sardines is packed with nutrients, "ounce for ounce, sardines provide more calcium and phosphorus than milk, more protein than steak, more potassium than bananas, and more iron than cooked spinach." Probably the greatest nutritional value of sardines resides in their high concentration of omega-3-fatty acids. Omega-3 has been shown to reduce triglyceride levels and play a significant role in preventing dangerous heart abnormalities. There are a variety of ways to eat sardines such as creating a sardine salad, sardine pasta, as sandwich spread, or eating them straight out of the can.
Sardines fact: There is really no such fish as sardine. The name sardine merely refers to a variety of small fish belonging to the herring family. So the small fishes found on store shelves are not true sardine, but another small oily fish in the herring family. Sardines name comes from the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. Another important thing to know is that Sardines are extremely low in contaminants such as mercury unlike the big fishes like salmon and tuna.
Health Benefits:
- Sardines are considered as brain food because the omega-3 fatty acids in sardines are important for the brain memory and performance.
- Sardines omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and therefore beneficial to those people suffering from joint problems like arthritis.
- Sardines are high in calcium and vitamin D which help promote stronger bones.
- Sardines contain Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) an antioxidant that is enhances physical energy and cardiovascular health. Coenzyme Q10 is beneficial for those people with hypertension and heart abnormalities.
- Sardines are also an excellent source of tryptophan, an essential amino acid.
- The high protein content of sardines helps to promote a feeling of fullness and the lack of carbohydrates helps to keep blood sugars stable.
Things to know when buying Sardines:
- When you purchase sardines, look for ones that are packed in water, mustard, or tomato sauce as opposed to oil. The oil can add significantly to the calorie and fat content.
- Sardines packed in water tend to taste and smell less fishy than ones packed in other liquids.
CREDIT: len7288@Hubpages
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice
Wheatgrass juice which contains chlorophyll, minerals, and vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, and K, protein and 17 amino acids is easily absorbed in human blood, which transports nutrients efficiently to every cell of the body. This makes wheatgrass juice an effective healer. In a study it was found that wheatgrass juice duplicates the molecular structure of hemoglobin, a important part of the blood, and because it is so rich in free-radical scavengers such as provitamin A, it may inhibit cancer.
Health Benefits of Wheatgrass:
- Wheatgrass juice is a natural source of antioxidants which helps repair damaged cells, rejuvenate aging cells, tighten loose and sagging skin.
- Wheatgrass juice is good for skin problems and improves complexion, treats acne, and removes acne scars.
- Wheatgrass energizes and reduces fatigue, because the juice is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and gives immediate energy.
- Wheatgrass juice purifies the blood which helps to cleanse the kidneys, liver and urinary tract.
- Wheatgrass contain loads of alkaline minerals that helps restore alkalinity and neutralize acid production in the body.
- The insoluble fiber in wheatgrass gently cleanses your digestive tract and promotes regularity.
- Wheatgrass juice keeps hair from graying & removes dandruff.
- Wheat grass juice increases red blood-cell count and lowers blood pressure.
- Wheat grass juice washes drug deposits from the body.
- Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will eliminate toothaches and will firm up and tightens gums.
- Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin exfoliant and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition. Apply the wheatgrass juice on your body and let it stay for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse off with water.
- Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses.
- Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals and other toxic (mercury, cadmium, nicotine) from the body.
- Wheatgrass juice restores fertility.
Nutrient content of wheatgrass juice compared to fruits and vegetables.
- 1 ounce of fresh wheatgrass juice is equivalent to 2.5 pounds of vegetables in nutritional value.
- 1 ounce of wheatgrass has more vitamin C than 1 ounce of oranges.
- 1 ounce of wheatgrass has twice the vitamin A than in 1 ounce of carrots.
- It is said that 25ml of wheatgrass is equivalent in vitamins, minerals and amino acids to a kilogram of fresh garden vegetables in nutritional value.
CREDIT: len7288@Hubpages
Health Benefits of Lime
- Scientific Name: Citrus aurantifolia
- Origin: Southeast Asia
- Varieties: Countless
- Tree: height: up to 4.5 m
- Fruit: diameter: 4-6 cm
- Culinary uses: flavoring for food and drink
- Other uses: medicinal; industrial (flavoring) application citric acid.
The lime is the smallest and probably most widely used fruit amongst the family of citrus. Lime comes from Southeast Asia. The name is of Arabic origin and it is believed that the Arabs most likely introduced it into India and Persia from where it was taken to Europe. Today it is cultivated in many tropical countries such as Florida, Brazil, Mexico and Egypt.
The lime is a small citrus fruit, like a small orange, with skin and flesh that are green in color. The pulp of the lime taste sour, and the fruit contains twice the amount of juice as the yellow, larger lemon. The juice, as a drink, makes one of the best thirst-quenchers. The acid content of lime is known to slow down the oxidation of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, thus preventing discoloration and acting as a preservative.
Nutritive Values: Per 100 gm.
- Vitamin B: Thiamine .04 mg;
- Riboflavin: trace
- Niacin: .1 mg
- Vitamin C: 27 mg.
- Calcium: 40 mg.
- Iron: 6 mg.
- Phosphorus: 22 mg.
- Fat: .1 gm
- Protein: .8 gm
- Calories: 37
Health Benefits:
- Lime contains by far more vitamin C than the lemon. A glass of warm water with lime juice and a teaspoonful of honey is an ideal remedy for cold and dry cough.
- Lime juice is a pep-up in cases of listlessness and a rundown feeling due to vitamin deficiency.
- The pectin content in fruit pulp is said to be beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol.
- The vitamin C content in lime increases the body's resistance to disease, aids the healing of wounds and prevents damage to the eyes.
- Vitamin C is also helpful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, bleeding of the gums and fragility of bones.
- The rind of the fruit also has medicinal properties. It contains a volatile oil which is used in medicine for improving digestion and removing wind
- Lime is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of digestive disorders.
- The lime juice is of great value in constipation, when it is taken first thing in the morning in a glass of warm water.
- The citric acid in limes has an alkaline reaction in the system which can relieve peptic ulcers.
- Few drops of warm lime-juice diluted with water should be instilled in the eyes in case of conjunctivitis. Its regular use with pure rose water in the ratio of 1:4 is helpful in preventing old-age cataract.
- Lime juice diluted in warm water was proven valuable in cystitis. It gives relief to burning sensation and also stops bleeding in cystitis.
- The lime juice is also excellent for weight reduction. Fresh juice' of a lime mixed in a glassful of water and sweetened with honey should be taken every morning on empty stomach in case of obesity.
- Lime contain limonene, this phytochemical are potent detoxifiers with anti-biotic effect that is protective against bacterial poisoning.
- The potent anti-viral properties in lime can kill cholera bacilli within a very short period of time. Drink one part juice and one part water regularly.
- Lemon peels when rub on dry or scaly skin can restore softness and add moisture to the skin.
Nutritive Values: Per 100 gm.
- Vitamin B: Thiamine .04 mg;
- Riboflavin: trace
- Niacin: .1 mg
- Vitamin C: 27 mg.
- Calcium: 40 mg.
- Iron: 6 mg.
- Phosphorus: 22 mg.
- Fat: .1 gm
- Protein: .8 gm
- Calories: 37
Health Benefits:
- Lime contains by far more vitamin C than the lemon. A glass of warm water with lime juice and a teaspoonful of honey is an ideal remedy for cold and dry cough.
- Lime juice is a pep-up in cases of listlessness and a rundown feeling due to vitamin deficiency.
- The pectin content in fruit pulp is said to be beneficial in lowering blood cholestrol .
- The vitamin C content in lime increases the body's resistance to disease, aids the healing of wounds and prevents damage to the eyes.
- Vitamin C is also helpful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, bleeding of the gums and fragility of bones.
- The rind of the fruit also has medicinal properties. It contains a volatile oil which is used in medicine for improving digestion and removing wind
- Lime is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of digestive disorders.
- The lime juice is of great value in constipation, when it is taken first thing in the morning in a glass of warm water.
- The citric acid in limes has an alkaline reaction in the system which can relieve peptic ulcers.
- Few drops of warm lime-juice diluted with water should be instilled in the eyes in case of conjunctivitis. Its regular use with pure rose water in the ratio of 1:4 is helpful in preventing old-age cataract.
- Lime juice diluted in warm water was proven valuable in cystitis. It gives relief to burning sensation and also stops bleeding in cystitis.
- The lime juice is also excellent for weight reduction. Fresh juice' of a lime mixed in a glassful of water and sweetened with honey should be taken every morning on empty stomach in case of obesity.
- Lime contain limonene, this phytochemical are potent detoxifiers with anti-biotic effect that is protective against bacterial poisoning.
- The potent anti-viral properties in lime can kill cholera bacilli within a very short period of time. Drink one part juice and one part water regularly.
- Lemon peels when rub on dry or scaly skin can restore softness and add moisture to the skin.
Tip on how to get the most nutrition from lime:
- The highest content of limonene is found in the white spongy inner parts of the lemon. When juicing a lemon, put in the whole fruit together with the peel, to get the most nutrition out of it (be sure to wash and brush the dirt off the skin before doing so.)
- Make it a habit to add lime a sliced lime (together with peel) into your drinking water or juices, to enjoy all its medicinal properties. With lime in your drink, the absorbability of the other nutrients in your drink is increased up to five times!
Use cut lime to remove: Onion and fish odors from your hands, knives and chopping board. Turmeric and ink stains from your fingers and nails.
Buying and Storing Tip:
- Limes and lemons can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks. Although they can actually keep longer, it will soon lose its flavor after too long.
- When buying lemons, look at the stem end of the lemon. There should be about four or five little lines radiating out of the stem. The greater the number of these lines, the higher the mineral content of the lemon.
Precaution: Excessive sucking of fresh lime is also bad for teeth as the acid damages the delicate enamel of the teeth and makes them sensitive. Its excessive use weakens digestion.
Other Uses of Lime:
- Lime is indispensable in industrial preparations of herbal ointments and cosmetics, its oil is used in soaps and shampoos, and it provides a major source for citric acid.
- Lime juice is part of ritual washing ceremonies, such as during wedding, in India and Malaysia.
CREDIT: len7288@Hubpages
Medicinal Benefits of Soursop
- Origin: Tropical America
- Family: Annonaceae
- Botanical Name: Annona muricata
- Varieties: about nine, differing in shape, texture in flavors
- Season: almost all the year round
- Tree: height; up to 10 m
- Fruit: length:12 - 24 cm; weight: 400 - 800 gm
Soursop is a fruit that has the most delectable flavor. The soursop is a large fruit of a small, fast-growing tree. The fruit is picked from the tree before it has fully ripened as it will be badly bruised if allowed to ripen and fall. The fruit is mature and is ready for eating when it feels slightly soft and is light green externally. The skin is thin and is covered with conical nibs. The white, pulpy flesh, which contains juice, is peppered with small shiny, black inedible seeds, and has a pleasant, sweet-acidic taste. As it is rather fibrous, its squeezed juice makes a better choice, and has, in fact become more popular than the fresh fruit as such. Soursop has few seedless varieties, but they are rare, and tend to have fibrous flesh.
Medicinal Benefits: Soursop is not only a delicious and healthy fruit but it is use medicinally to treat illness ranging from stomach ailments to worms.
- The seeds, which have emetic properties, can be used in the treatment of vomiting.
- The leaf decoction is effective for head lice and bedbugs.
- The crushed fresh leaves can be applied on skin eruptions to promote healing.
- The juice of the fruit can be taken orally as a remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments.
- The juice when taken when fasting, it is believed to relieve liver ailments and leprosy.
- To speed the healing of wounds, the flesh of the soursop is applied as a poultice unchanged for 3 days.
- A decoction of the young shoots or leaves is regarded as a remedy for gall bladder trouble, as well as coughs, catarrh, diarrhea, dysentery, fever and indigestion.
- Mashed leaves are used as a poultice to alleviate eczema and other skin problems and rheumatism.
- The root bark is use as an antidote for poisoning.
- Soursop flowers are believed to alleviate catarrh.
- Decoction of leaves used as compresses for inflammation and swollen feet.
CREDIT: len7288@Hubpages
Health Benefits of Pear
Scientific name: Pyrus communis
Pears are delicious fruit that is a member of the rose family and are related to the apples. Pears generally have a large round bottom that tapers towards the top; the skin is yellow, green, brown, red or a combination of two or more of these colors depending on the variety. We usually think of pear as bell-shaped, but some varieties are shaped almost like a rounded apple. Like apples, pears have a core that features several seeds. Its size is about that of an apple with several seeds in the core, like an apple. The skins vary in color yellow, green, brown, red, or a combination of any of these colors.The white-yellowish color flesh of pears is juicy, sweet and usually mild. Some varieties have grainy flesh.
Pear generally contains iron but some variety has more iron content than others. This can be seen when a cut pear turns brown. If it doesn't turn brown, it means that the iron content is very low or non-existent.
Pear varieties that is commonly available in the market:
- Bosc variety is tan to brown and have a long, tapered neck. Their flesh is not as juicy as that of other pears.
- Anjou's variety has yellow-green skin and an oval shape. They have the blandest flavor of all pears. It is usually available during winter.
- Bartlett's variety has bright yellow skin and sweet juices. They are usually available during summer to fall.
- Comice variety are the best-tasting pears, they are sweet, juicy, has fuller and rounder than the others with mottled green skin that camouflages glorious flavor. They are available in the late fall through Christmas.
Nutritive Values: Per 100 gm.
- Vitamin A: 20I.U.
- Thiamine: .02 mg
- Riboflavin: .04 mg.
- Niacin: .1mg
- Vitamin C: 4 mg.
- Calcium: 13 mg.
- Iron: .3 mg
- Phosphorus: 16mg
- Potassium: 182 mg.
- Fat: .4 gm
- Carbohydrates: 15.8 gm
- Protein: .7 gm
- Calories: 63
- The anti-oxidant nutrients in pears are critical in building up your immune system.
- Pear is good for diabetics because its sweetness is supplied in large part by levulose, fruit sugar that is more easily tolerated by diabetics.
- Pears high vitamin C and copper content act as good anti-oxidants that protect cells from damages by free radicals.
- Pear is good in relieving fever because of its cooling effect. Best way to bring a fever down quickly is by drinking a big glass of pear juice.
- Pear can help prevent Nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys)
- It can help against Acidosis (deficiency in alkalinity of the blood)
- It helps prevent allergies and other skin problems.
- It can help prevent colitis (inflammation of the colon)
- Pear is high in vitamin B-complex and potassium, which is beneficial for the heart and for blood pressure
- Pears are excellent source of pectin (an important aid in digestion and cleansing the body of toxins and other waste) so they help prevent and treat constipation.
- Pears are excellent source of water-soluble fiber.Drinking pear juice regularly helps regulate bowel movements.
- Boil two Chinese pear juice with some raw honey and drink warm. This is extremely healing for the throat and the vocal cord.
Buying and Storing: Choose deep colored and firm pears, but not too hard. They should have a smooth skin that is free of bruises or molds. To hasten the ripening, store them at room temperature for a few days to soften and ripen. If you will not be consuming the pears immediately once they have ripened, you can store them in the refrigerator where they can remain fresh for a few days. Pears for juicing are best kept in the refrigerator for up to a week. Over-ripe pears are mushy and are not suitable for juicing.
CREDIT: len7288@Hubpages
Health Benefits of Mango
Health Benefits of Mango:
- Mangoes contain phenols, this phenolic compound have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities.
- Mango is high in iron, pregnant women and people with anemia are advised to eat this fruit regularly.
- Mango is effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin.
- It is also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion.
- Mango is high in antioxidant and low in carbohydrates.
- Mango is a rich source of vitamin A(beta-carotene), E and Selenium which help to protect against heart disease and other ailments.
- Kidney problems including nephritis.
- Fever
- Respiratory problems
- Constipation
Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.
- Vitamin A : 6,350 I.U.
- Vitamin B : Thiamine .06 mg.;
- Vitamin C : 41 mg.
- Calcium : 9 mg.
- Phosphorus : 13 mg.
- Protein : .7 gm.
- Calories : 66
CREDIT: len7288@Hubpages